Haha, here's an unpublished rant I found in my drafts:
Fine with me. But teach all creation stories. Every single last one, especially Pastafarianism, because they all have the same thing in common, they rely on faith , not any kind of measurable data or scientific truths.
Also, while you're talking about education reform, let's talk about Thanksgiving and Christopher Columbus.
Columbus didn't find America. It was here all along, with people living on it. People were living meaningful, good lives long before that evil villain of a human, Columbus, came here.
Want to know about genocide?! You don't have to look outside of U.S. borders.
Oh, Thanksgiving, we were so thankful that we massacred Native Americans in droves, sent many young Native American children to horrible Christian assimilation camps in Canada, drove them off of the only land they ever knew, and forced them to assimilate into a culture where it was damn-near impossible to make honest money doing something they didn't have to throw away their whole culture for. It wasn't just a little moving around an re-locating. It was extermination. Recognize it. Call it what it was.
Want to know what I'm thankful for?! I'm thankful that I have access to education so that I can un-learn all of the nonsense perpetuated by the textbooks of my youth, no doubt handed down by the sadists at the Texas Board of Education. (Also thankful for my family, animals, coffee and friends. Moy awesome)
But, really...
History matters, and how you teach it matters. Stop lying to our kids.
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