
Friday, September 30, 2011

Tea Party, Economy and Killing the Middle Class

First, watch this video:
 This, along with watching Maddow tonight, the recent Occupy Wall Street movement, and paying attention in my Early American Working Class history class has brought me to this rant. First, a small history lesson:

 In Colonial America, we had something called an “assize of bread.” This set the weight and price of a loaf of bread in the colonies. This ensured that every working American could afford to feed their family. If anyone proposed anything like today, they would be called a socialist. We also had laws against these actions:
 • “forestall”: Buy provisions before they reach market
 • “regrate”: Buy at market and resell at a higher price
 • “engross”: Buy a crop still in the field (speculating)

Again, today, if you suggest any regulations like this, or any regulation in general to be imposed on businesses and corporations, you’re a socialist.

 Back then, working people really felt like they were entitled to a voice and a piece of this country. They knew their power and acted on it by forming unions and striking for fair pay and shorter hours. They participated in their government. We don’t do this anymore, at least not until the situation is too dire to really do anything.

 Yes, the Boston Tea Party was an act of revolt against the British telling the colonies what to do. Yes, the colonies wanted their own government and they participated in it. But they also wanted to do so to impose a moral economy, which is clearly not the task of today’s Tea Party. Moral economy, above all, opposes free-riders, people who only take and do not give. What’s one of the biggest tenants of the tea party? Don’t tax the rich. Working class people, unionized people, formed the core of resistance against the British. What does the Tea Party want to do? Attack the middle class and take away collective bargaining. When you lower the taxes on the haves, the have-not’s have to pay for it. The national debt is going anywhere, and republicans aren’t going to budge on cutting some defense funding. The money has to come from somewhere, and it’s going to be the middle class.

 Trickle down economics doesn’t work. Corporations take the money they save and raise their own salaries. If you want to give tax breaks, keep an eye on the corporations you give it to. Require proposals. Make them tell you how many jobs they promise to create.

 You can try to make a case that our county now is not our country then, and I completely agree. But if you’re going to claim one piece of the American Revolution, you had better take a look at the whole picture. And we do need regulation, right now, because our largest corporations aren’t living a couple houses down the street, where we can talk to them about our concerns or have any real input on how they do business. They are huge entities with a strangle-hold on this country. They’re not committed to a moral economy. They don’t have a conscience that would make them possible candidates for self-regulation.

 One of my coworkers said, “Corporations should regulate themselves. They’re not going to do things to hurt us because they would lose money.” On the contrary, they constantly do things to hurt us because it saves them money, and no one cares enough to pay attention. Halliburton, case and point. Mountain top removal corporations. Wal-mart.

 I don’t get what’s so hard to understand. If they want to move oversees, whatever. There’s always someone else to do the job, and you can provide incentives for them that you were wasting on the ones that left. Let’s grow businesses that care about workers. Deal?

Friday, September 9, 2011

On the Republican Debate

Dear Republican candidates,

I would really appreciate it if you could pull your heads out of Reagan's ass long enough to listen to some points I need to make following your most recent debate:

1. Lowering taxes on the rich doesn't do a damn thing other than overburden taxes on the rest of us. I get that you want to create jobs. Great. Require business to apply for tax breaks with a proposal detailing how they're going to make it count. That way, you can make sure you're not just throwing money at people who aren't going to use it wisely, and so it can be monitored.

Also, the lack of jobs isn't the only problem. The lack of jobs that provide a living wage is, along with people not learning the skills necessary to excel at their jobs.

2. Stop messing with education. It's been proven time and time again that education advances cultures and people in general. It's your job to provide affordable education, or else our best and brightest are going to be America's biggest exports. Focus on science, not religiosity in our schools. The rest of the world is laughing at us.

3. Stop chipping away at women's health. It's not helping anyone and it's not going to fix any of your problems.

4. I'd rather be eaten by rabid wolves than live in a country where Michele Bachmann is president. Please don't let this happen. The entire world will laugh at us and, if she gets her way at all, we will revert back to the 1950s. Her role model is Phyllis Schlafly...the woman that worked tirelessly to defeat the Equal Rights Amendment, describes herself as an anti-feminist and once said, "If marriage is to be a successful institution, it must…have an ultimate decision maker, and that is the husband." Oh, and she also said that Roe v Wade was the worst decision ever made. Great role model.

5. Has anyone else seen the recent increase of energy-related commercials? Do not let these vultures gain any tighter of a grasp around the neck of this country. We need regulation. Without it, it's just a matter of time before disaster strikes. I want jobs, but not at the cost of our well-being.

6. I'm pretty sure universal health care will not bring about the apocalypse. Does Obama's health care plan need work? Yes. But everyone should have access to affordable quality health care. It should be a right, not a reward.

7. This one's to Rick Perry in particular: Global warming is real. The science IS settled. Same with evolution. You would know these things if you ever picked up a book or read a scholarly article. You can't get your science from Fox News. There are outliers, but almost all respectable scientists can agree on these two things. If something were to come along and disprove them, the science would definitely shift, but none such things ever has. Also, your use of Galileo in your response about climate change was in total opposition of the point you were trying to make.

8. Reagan is not your savior. For more info read this post.

Please keep these things in mind when you're attacking each other on stage the next time. We all know my vote goes to Obama, but I don't know about the rest of the country. If one of these clowns gets elected, the consequences will be toughest on the working class. "Let them eat cake" comes to mind.