
About Me

(from Power Shift 2011)

Hey, I'm Kelsey. I'm  an aunt,  daughter,  sister and senior English and journalism major (history and women's studies minor) at  the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I'll be 22 this May. I started this blog just to put my opinions out there and to poke fun at some people, namely politicians, that I have little access to otherwise. I started this blog for  a class I was enrolled in, called Social Media, that required us to participate in branding ourselves via social media.

I'm neither Republican nor Democrat because I have huge problems with both, but I tend to side with Democrats over Republicans on most issues. I'm a feminist and a lot, if not all, of my posts will reflect this. I also care deeply about issues surrounding race, gender, sexuality, animal rights and environmental issues....and Pittsburgh sports. I have no affiliation with any organized religions, though I went to a Catholic school and I have a Catholic family. If I seem to pick on Christians, it's because I know their beliefs more thoroughly than any others.

Throughout my blog, you'll notice that I care about gay rights, education and pro-choice legislation more than I care about the economy and other things, because I write what I know (and I'm terrible with math). When things overlap and call for me to learn things a little outside my comfort zone, I do my best. But I'm not perfect, so call me out on it if you find error in my posts. Other things that piss me off (like fast zombies, the Philiadelphia Flyers and most pop music), will pop up occasionally in posts because even I need a break from politico sometimes. There are also moments when my Pittsburgh Penguins and Steelers obsessions will take hold and I'll have to mention them.

The name of this blog came from George Carlin, my long-time favorite stand-up comedian. He has a CD of the same name in which he does, wonderfully, some of the best complaining in the history of the world.

So pick a post, stay a while, and don't ever take my word for it. Do some exploring of your own and don't ever stop learning. If you want to find me on any other type of social media, check out my links on the right-hand side of my blog. Thanks for stopping by.